Thanksgiving day 1962 found me at work because the news has to go out. Of course, all of the retail stores were closed so when it was time for our mid morning snacks, I walked down to The Terminal Hotel's Lunch Room. This was a whole new adventure: far from a Coke and Nabs. I took full advantage of that opportunity and ordered some french fries. Blanche (I knew her but can't remember her last name) brought me my fries. I took my first delicious bite a second or two out of the hot oil. It lodged just inches past my throat and there was a terrible burning sensation in my chest. I have had this happen 3 or 4 times in my life. I passed out while sitting on the soda fountain stool! Pretty much as gravity would have it, I fell off the stool backwards. (That must have been a sight). While doing this I bit my tongue. When I regained consciousness, Dr Garrison is on his way down with his Black Bag. He was the owner of the hotel at that time if I am not mistaken. The next thing I know, I am in a room, in a bed and being examined. There was a diagnosis of epilepsy since I bit my tongue when I landed on my head flipping backwards. I later went for a checkup at his office. I paid for the room at The hotel. He gave me pills to take for the rest of my life. I decided after about a month to not take them and have been fine ever since. I have had 3 other episodes like that since then. It is very strange. The other times I was sitting in a chair and didn't go over backwards. Don't get me wrong, I loved Dr Garrison. He brought all of us into this world but this was a strange one.
written by Jean Raby Nelson
1962 - Thanksgiving Day Trip to The Terminal Hotel
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